Peak Chamber Orchestra - Music in the peak district


Based in Calver, Derbyshire, the Peak Chamber Orchestra exists to play beautiful classical orchestral music  in an informal and friendly atmosphere.  Attracting amateur musicians throughout  the Peak District (and beyond), the Orchestra was led for many years by conductor Glyn Davies until his death in August 2016. After a period of consolidation, we appointed a new conductor, Adam Green, who lead us until Summer 2018. We then appointed Tim Maunder as our conductor to take us forward into the future but during the pandemic Tim sadly died. We are very grateful that Keith Barstow, previously the 1st Clarinettist, volunteered to conduct the orchestra, and has continued to do so since then.

Playing symphonies , concerti, and other works by the 'greats'  as well as  pieces by lesser known composers, the orchestra provides an opportunity to make music in a nurturing and collaborative way. 

The orchestra welcomes new players of a reasonable standard. There are no joining fees and being a member of the orchestra  is an ideal opportunity to develop as a musician, sharing your knowledge and experience with other players.  To find out more - simply click here .

We were about to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the orchestra and plans were being made for a social event in May 2020, but these of course were put on hold as the coronavirus struck us all. The orchestra suspended operations in mid-March 2020 and eventually restarted in September 2021. 

Rehearsals will start for spring of 2025 on 14th January 2025 under the leadership of Keith Barstow, but there will be occasions when there is no rehearsal. We look forward to welcoming all existing members back, and possibly some new members; following our publicity efforts over the last few months. 

We shall be holding an open evening again this Summer in the Village Hall at Baslow on Tuesday 6th May 2025 and all are welcome. There is no fee for admittance. The orchestra will be playing a number of pieces  which we have been rehearsing since the start of the new year, including a new piece which has been especially written for us for this occasion.

Plans are in hand for a social evening in May at at venue to be decided after the conclusion of the Open Evening, and then we will adjourn until the new season starts in September - details will be posted here of dates etc. in due course.